May Goals

Photo by Elizabeth Tate

My sweet friend, Nancy Ray, always shares her goals for the month and she’s inspired me to do the same! At the beginning of each month, I’m going to post my personal and professional goals on the journal to share with all of you! I love writing down my goals because it helps me focus on the smaller, necessary tasks and holds me accountable. I’ll be honest right now, though. I may not finish all of these and that’s ok. Fostering keeps us really busy (and things are forever changing at the last minute), my husband is reenlisting in the Marine Corps, our kiddo is officially out of school and distance learning for the remainder of the school year, and we’re in the middle of a pandemic. I’m giving myself lots of grace during this time and you should too!

My goals for this month are:
Quick website refresh
Read at least 15 minutes each day
Create an updated pricing sheet for my sweet clients
Write and publish all Foster Care Awareness journal entries
Organize my closet
Finish my garden addition
Tackle our bathroom makeover

Do we have any similar goals? I’d love to hear what your goals are for the month of May!